Going Green at Your Gym

With the costs of running a gym increasing and the growing availability of environmentally-friendly solutions that benefit both gym owners and the environment, it’s easier and more important than ever to take steps to make your gym ‘green.’


Flooring is one of the biggest expenses and most difficult choices for a gym owner. Choosing a long-lasting product that can withstand the activities performed on it will be both a good investment, and also better for the environment, as it will not need to be thrown out and replaced every few years. Zebra mats last ten to fifteen years of daily use, saving gym owners both money and time. Not only are Zebra mats better for the environment due to their durability, but, unlike other mats on the market, 75% of the mat is made with recycled materials. For 20 years Zebra has been on the forefront of sustainability in the flooring and martial arts industries. 


Temperature control (air conditioning and heating) is often one of the biggest expenses gym owners face. Larger gyms can spend thousands of dollars a month on regulating the temperature. While it may be necessary in areas of extreme heat or cold to have a well-run thermostat, it rarely needs to be done year-round or on the highest settings. Even in the coldest areas, the warmth of human beings engaged in grappling or striking can significantly elevate the gym temperature enough to keep members warm. Air conditioning in the summer can be reserved for the warmest days, or for Gi classes. It can often be beneficial to members to train in elevated temperatures for flexibility and joint safety. Doors can be left open, including those gyms that have spaces with garage doors. 


Switching to energy-efficient lighting is another simple move that can pay dividends on your electric bill. LED bulbs use a fraction of the energy as regular lights, and can be turned off during the day if there is sufficient sunlight and large windows in your space. Turning off lights in the areas of the gym that aren’t being used is another quick fix. Encourage members to get in the habit of turning the bathroom lights off when they exit as well. 

Having a ‘green’ gym is much easier than you think, and doing so will lower long-term costs, ensuring your gym is here to stay.